Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Design For A Cause

This week we had to design a poster in color, but it could have white or black in it.  I actually read about the assignment earlier last week and have been working on it since.  Three years ago I lost my best friend to domestic violence.  No one expected it and thats the thing, these situations are so different.  Even with as hard as its been without her these past few years, something good was created in her name.  Shena's hearts is a charity that was formed by another friend of hers to help raise money to benefit battered women.  Shena was sweet and simple and that gave me the inspiration for the poster design.  She also loved pinks and blues so those were the colors I went with..

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Color Assignment

This week we were to make a color wheel, create 3 color strips and take a hue text.  Here are all of my results.

Color Wheel:  Used circles instead of squares to make it my own.

Color Strips: 1 White to Purple scale, 1 Red to Green Scale, and 1 Purple to Yellow scale

My Test Results:  I guess I scored low :(  It wasn't so easy to tell colors so very closely together, apart..


Friday, April 12, 2013

Texture Self Portrait

Here is my self portrait that I did using my textures.. This was very time consuming, but I think it came out okay.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Space and Motion Assignment

Here are the examples i found for the different aspects of space and motion.

Illusions of Space

Exaggerated Size:

Here you see a man who appears to be larger than the building when he's actually just closer to the camera and placed strategically with his arm extended to look like he's touching the point.

Multiple Perspective:

 This image was created by M.C. Escher which is called Impossible Structures. (http://www.currin.biz/unitpages/drawing.htm)  This image is a great example of multiple perspective.  You have an aerial view, a floor level view, a upside down view and more.. There is no one way to look at and interpret this piece.

Linear Perspective:

Space and depth are created because the point of the railroad tracks end where the focal point is.  This then creates the illusion of space. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perspective_%28visual%29)

Illusions of Motion

Anticipated Motion:

This is a great example of anticipated motion because this big cat is down in it's pouncing position looking like it's ready to leap at any minute. This photo captures this nicely. (http://hcallgeier02.blogspot.com/2011/04/anticipated-motion-43.html)

Figure Repeated:

The figures in this image are in different stages of motion.  You can see the figure step by step jumping, in the air, and landing.. We see it from point A to B. (123RF,com)

Blurred Outline:

This image gives the illusion of motion by blurred outline.  It makes the figures appear to be walking in continuous motion.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Pattern and Texture

Here is my grey scale and my 15 textures in a sampler. :)  I really liked creating some of them and was happy to actually be able to walk up to a tree without losing my shoe in the snow :)

Grey Scale

Texture/Pattern Sampler

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Shape/Volume Assignment

So this was an interesting assignment.  I took several photo's of one of my kitchen chairs with a vase full of artificial flowers at different angles.. These were the three that I liked the most... 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Line Assignment

Here are the line drawings for this weeks assignment.