Thursday, February 28, 2013

Rhythm Assignment

This week I decided to use a photo of one of the bouquets my daughters got to carry in their uncles wedding almost 3 years ago.  I decided to go with touch as my sense and the words I selected were rough, cold, smooth/soft, and wet.

Here is the original

My interpretation of rough.  The texture appears almost sand paper like.

My interpretation of cold.  The colors here are colors that I associate with cold.. The light almost ice blue and the gray.

My interpretation of soft/smooth.  You can see everything kind of blends together and the image looks pillow like in appearance.

Finally my interpretation of wet.  We see this with the way the image appears almost rippled or like water droplets have soaked the photo and the colors are bleeding out.

Now here is my fifth image.  I decided to go with my word soft and to represent that I chose a feather.  I also decided to go with a progressive rhythm.

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